I have the best job! As a teacher, I belong to a union who has done their very best at looking out for the interests of their members. Part of our contract enables staff to pay into a self funded leave and take either one semester or a whole year off. What a great concept!! The board helps you save money so you can take the time off and still get paid. While I'm off, other teachers hired in my place get valuable teaching experience and most importantly I GET TO REJUVINATE!
I really really do love my job, but, to be a connected and inspirational teacher, one needs to spend an incredible amount of personal time giving timely feedback on evaluation, making daily lessons relevant and interesting (not short of a song and dance), volunteering lunch hours, doing fundraisers, coaching.... But basically using up all of your positive energy on everyone else's kids but your own. So while I'm enjoying the ability to travel on my self funded leave (and I'm doing enough of it), I am very much enjoying the chance to spend time with my kids where I don't feel tired and spent and grumpy all the time.
Travel....in between spending quality time with my kids, I am travelling. I relish the chance to learn about other cultures, see amazing scenery or just relaxing enjoying a latte or a slushy drink on a beach! My close friend and I managed to explore Scandinavia, Russia and Iceland on our last adventure and we are currently on our way with another friend to Palm Springs to explore the area and also relax by a pool.
Travel doesn't need to be complicated or a hassle if the company you are travelling with knows their shit and has good infrastructure, business models and quality equipment (bus, train, aircraft). Travelling for 6 weeks in Scandinavia was EFFORTLESS other than having the weight of my backpack, everything worked like clockwork. Travel in North America is NEVER effortless. We speak English for God sake and it's still confusing. Whyyyyyy?!??!
Here are my complaint:
1 - flying to the USA takes FOREVER at the airport when we leave Toronto to clear security and customs. Europe, hop on, clear customs at the other end, smaller numbers to deal with.
2 - In Europe and Scandinavia, ALL modes of travel were always on time, not so much in North American. Why the fuck can't we be on time. Our flight lands early (shocker) and we wait for an HOUR on the tarmac waiting for our gait to clear. What??? And then we're late...would never happen in Europe.
3 - In flight entertainment. What a great idea, let's provide WiFi for our customers....but if you're running Android, too bad, you need an older OS version. What??? So I'll watch a movie provided on the plane....I have to pay???? WTF? Don't we get it up the ass alrwady paying for the seat and luggage and upgrades and food?? Goddamn, just make the movies work. ALL planes in Scandinavia, free entertainment, USB ports in seat backs. Not complicated. (This issue has me very hot under the collar right now).
4 - people following rules. I like people who abide by the rules, like sizes for carry on luggage. How the hell does a fucking guitar fit in one of those carry on boxes....oh wait, how about 3??? 3 fucking guitars?! Jesus, who let these people on the plane. What if I wanted to bring my golf clubs...same thing? MAKE THEM CHECK THEIR GUITARS AS FRAGILE OVERSIZED LUGGAGE.
5 - large people on planes. While I feel sorry for their situation they make MY experience difficult. I'm sitting in an aisle seat. Not a very wide aisle. Guy on opposite side of aisle takes up half of the aisle....which means every time someone walks by, they have to invade MY seat space to get passed him. EVERY...TIME! I have to share my space and I'm not even sitting next to him.
6 - accessing luggage during the flight. If one more man puts his penis in my face I'm going to dick punch. Seriously....this was also said large man accessing his luggage and another man squeezing my way because of large man....JESUS!
End rant...
Palm Spring airport is amazing. Off we go in our convertible under sun and palm trees with amazing vista's in the distance. Let the games begin!
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